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Write Choice Services: Writing Thats Fits Your Needs

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I want to write my life story/family history/memoir

Over the years of holiday gatherings, birthday parties, and family reunions, you've gathered a rich collection of family stories to tell your loved ones. Don't let those precious tales be lost. Preserve these stories for your children, your grandchildren and your granchildren's children, and, of course, for other members of your family. It's an exciting thought, isn't it? But the prospect may seem overwhelming. How do you start? What's important to include? How detailed should your writing be? How do you write about the black sheep in the family? What if you know that your perspective of the family differs from the perspective of other family members?  Do I have to start with “I was born on . . . and work my way systematically through my life? Is it all right simply to choose certain themes from my life? How much detail should I share? We can help you with all of that and more.

Contact Write-Choice Services, Inc. and learn how to begin documenting your family's unique oral history today!